Minutes To Hours Conversion
For quick reference purposes below is a conversion table that you can use to convert from minutes to hours.
Minutes to hours conversion. About minutes to hours converter it is probably one of the most common types of time conversion which is done every day by many people either in their minds or by using minutes to hours converter like this. Conversion table minutes to decimal hours minutes hour100 minutes hour100 minutes hour100 minutes hour100 1 002 16 027 31 052 46 077 2 003 17 028 32 053 47 078 3 005 18 030 33 055 48 080 4 007 19 032 34 057 49 082 5 008 20 033 35 058 50 084 6 010 21 035 36 060 51 085 7 012 22 037 37 062 52 087 8 013 23 038 38 063 53 089. Do the math manually example 8 hours and 35 minutes divide the 35 minutes by 60 eg 35 divided by 60 equals 058 then add the 8 hours back in 8 hours plus 058 equals 858 hours also check out our excel timesheet calculator with lunch overtime. An houris a unit of time equal to 60 minutes or 3600 seconds.
The inverse is also true that 1 hr 60min 1 to convert minutes to hours divide the minutes by 60. 240 minutes 60 4 hours result. This is especially handy if you have large values of minutes to be converted to hours. There are 60 minutes in an hour or 60 minutes per hour.
Minutes to hours conversion table. Convert 240 minutes to hours show work formula. Display result asnumberfraction exact value a minuteis a unit of time equal to 60 seconds. Lets follow along with an example problem.
240 minutes is equal to 4 hours. 770 enterprise drive lexington kentucky 40510 phone. To start just convert your minute measurement into hours like you learned in the section above. Minutes to hours conversion chart.